
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

::Food Lovers::

Just came back from visiting other homes (blog hopping).  Each time when I blog hop, my main objective is to see where these people having their food.  Bloggers are good in having varieties of appetite and they will get to know easily favorite places.  It will be mouth to mouth marketing concept.

As for me, my food scale are very small.  I did not eat lot of foods that is why I never choose to blog about it.  My desire will be so limit and it is not fair if I just tell everybody certain things.  Giving comment should include everything and anything.  For example, I only eat chicken.  No beef meat, fish meat so it is weird right if am only promoting chicken based food. 

You guys are so creative and good on this.  How I wish could taste like most of you but cannot.  I have no answer why I become choosy but frankly speaking I already live with it almost 30 years.  Those days when my late grandmother was around, she's the one will take care about it.  She'll make sure at least one dish for me.

Deary friends, do not stop blog about food.  Although am not going to taste it, but my stomach easily feel full whenever read on it.  

note:  Am sleepy...good night!!!    

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