Took some time to refresh my day. Tangling with lots of things from last week plus a bit moody and as for that, my blog being a victim. Nothing has been update. It's time for me to express myself towards this world.
My last entry I did share that we are going to celebrate Mothers Day. Yea, I know its been passed for two weeks. Unfortunately, no Mother's Day Celebration for me this year. Something pop-up and most of my FB friends knew about it. Only me and myself missed the celebration. My family gathered at D Tandoor's Uptown Damansara without my appearance. I feel guilty but on the other hand, Allah knows what He did. As what my sister said, there will always some other times. :) Thank you deary for your words.
Most of you know that I am car-less since November last year and I have been using Abang's car occasionally. His car is my car...he..he..he..but from today onwards me and him will be car-less. He send his car for repair plus paint and it takes almost two weeks. Quiet a long period right?? So now I have to rely on Ayu Bam Bam's car.. (Along pinjam kereta ye Ayu?? ngeh..negh..) Abang planned some drastic changes on his car but not to reveal at this moment. Let it be some surprise!!!
We gonna miss you for two weeks but once we get back there will be huge changes right??
The reason why we sending it for repair..huh!!!
So, no outstation at this moment...We have to get use just like before, riding motorbike..ha..ha..ha..
note: can't wait to meet it up in two weeks time
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