By end of this week, there will no more Bibik. After serving for more than 7 years, our maid insist to return. GM plan not to hire any new Bibik at this moment.
One of the reason, we lack of information on how to get new person. Our current maid was arranged by someone from our old office and its been ages we haven't deal with this matter.
Afterall, not that easy to have maid according to our desire. We do have bad experiences with Indonesian maids so we need to be more careful to welcome an outsider. Plus there is 3 most valuable assets in the house.
Maid's story is never ending story. I think we already had more than 10 maid, including the current. Each person has their own story. Alhamdulillah, the last one is acceptable but its time already. Afterall her age are not suitable anymore to work.
Second reason because of this $$$ matter. Most of my friend told that nowadays we need to prepare budget around RM3k to RM7k in order to get maid, either legal or not. Expensive huh!!
With the budget still there is no guarantee if something happen to the maid such as run away, missing in action, etc. Very risky right?
With the budget still there is no guarantee if something happen to the maid such as run away, missing in action, etc. Very risky right?
GM add more, that we are adult enough to take care our ownself and family. So try not to depend on maid. If we haven't start now, than it will be forever depending on helper.
So, say bye bye to our Bibik and welcome to the Bibikless world. I can't imagine how it gonna be, but we have to go through. My worry goes to GM, is she capable to handle house core together with 3 lil munchkin?
Many said, at first everything will go up side down since we already get used with maid . Later, all will go smoothly than its time to think twice, maid is necessary or not.
Just wait and see, either we able to pass through without any extra helper? Now, its time to search for cleaning services. Anyone have contact number or info, kindly let me know yea.
With this semi-detached house, at least GM need someone to clean up those difficult areas twice a month. By this time, I am so eager to operate my own laundry service..ngeh..ngeh..ngeh...
note: nothing easy in this world...
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