While having lunch yesterday, suddenly door's bell. Was shocked and wondering who's coming over at this hour. Tengah makan so everybody seems reluctant to go and have a look.
GM volunteered and she take a peek from Macho Man's room. In a while we heard GM said "ikut pintu belakang ya". Aik?! Siapa pula yang datang sampai GM pelawa masuk rumah?
We asked who are they than GM replied someone wanted to borrow our toilet. At first terfikir juga gila apalah ibuku ini sampai membenarkan orang tidak dikenali masuk rumah?
GP seems not happy with the decision. I myself on the spot, "eh, kena pukau ke mama ni?" In a few second, GM unlocked back door and automatically we stopped a while from our lunch.
Then, an indian girl slowly came in asked for permission using our toilet from GP. Spontaneously GP voiced "Oh, budak!" Her mother waited her from outside.
Bila budak tu keluar, Ayu Bam Bam quietly spying on her. Manalah tau they hide something from us. Well, we have right to feel suspicious right?
Asked GM where from that girl? Why they choosed our house? Do any of us recognised them? and so on...
Katanya, budak perempuan dan ibunya datang ke kawasan kami untuk memetik bunga. Dah tak tahan nak buang air, terus minta izin dari kami.
Well, we are the only resident yang tak tutup pintu pagar so that's why they spotted our house, I guess so. Barulah GM terasa pelik juga tindak-tanduk mereka itu.
Bukan berburuk sangka atau mahu memandang serong terhadap seseorang. Tetapi dunia sekarang menunutut untuk kita gandakan rasa was-was dan berhati-hati.
We never know their intention or maybe they really kind people. GM pun bijak bila dia tidak sewenang-wenangnya menjemput melalui pintu hadapan.
I have strong will, kalaulah I'm the one yang pergi sambut bunyi loceng tersebut, for sure I invited them from main door.
Harap sangat niat murni GM tidak akan mengundang bahaya kelak dan budak itu memang dalam keadaan memerlukan tandas.
GM keep on puzzled on that situation, worried something bad turn later and we convinced her In Shaa Allah nothing going to happen.
After all Ayu Bam Bam had experienced same situation and she stopped at one of Indian family house in Teluk Intan just to pee.
Let's put ourselves on their shoes. Do we really knocked other people house just for a toilet? What will they think toward us? Are they really invite us to come in?
Dulu dan sekarang berbeza. At one time we never look on races/colours to help people as long we are Malaysian/human nothing wrong with it.
But not for today. We keep on pointing other's bad and start not to rely each other. Some of us became racist on this issue. If possible they just wanted to help those with same colors.
I still remember my family used to friends with Chinese and Indian's family include my late grandmother and great grandmother. No harm staying with different races in one area.
Were thinking where those beautiness of being Malaysian?
World changing and people changed. Banyak kes penganiyaan terhadap orang lain kerana sifat kepercayaan menebal. People getting alert with current situation.
GM ada baiknya kerana dia membantu orang dalam keadaan terdesak tetapi harus juga menjadi peringatan supaya tidak mudah memberi individu lain masuk ke dalam rumah.
Banyak perkara buruk dari baik boleh berlaku. Sorry citizen of Malaysia, we still have to double-up our alertness for the sake of kids in this house.
To that Indian girl as we forgot to asked her name, hope you are really in trouble and with open heart we whole-hearted helped you!
We hope GM stop relate it dengan kisah misteri and have to bare on our mind, to lock gate at anytime. If our gate close, will they come over and ask for a help? hmm.......
nota: kisah petang Jumaat lalu
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