
Friday, October 15, 2010


"Type" and "Delete"..the only action I had done whenever start to created new entry.  My focusing is here and there.  Can't focus on whatever that I should do.  Am having mentally tortured I guess.  Sometimes feel tired being a person that have to keep on think.  Never stop praying for the best or at least ligthen up the pathway that I shall go through.  I am tired!!  I am bored!!  I am frustrated!! I am demotivated!!  I am...who I am!!!  Nobody knows what's in my heart and this medium only captured 1% of what I feel.. :(

Try to throw away all the negativity although my strength is very low.  Let this week gone with the wind and may whatever coming tomorrow or the day after tomorrow shall give me such a beautiful flowerish spirit.
note:  life is something that we should never give up!!!

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